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ARY, 1908.


Vol. XEX. + No. 1,


Apvisory Commirree:

MENEY L. Vieeece A @ Seem, WHAIAM f. roe. “, W. WENZEL. ——


at the Philadeipbia Post-Ofice as Second-Class Matter.


Published monthly, excepting August and September, in charge of the Entomo- logical Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and the American Entomological Society.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Outside of the United States and Canada, $1.20. : SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS

Advertising Rates: 30 cents per square inch, single insertion ; a liberal discount on longer insertions. No advertisement taken for less than 60 cents—Cash in advance.

je All remittances should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and Race Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

. Complete to end of Thirteenth Vol. (1906). A —p fine set, bound in morocco, with the exception ° of last two volumes. Price $50. for the set.

PHILIP LAURENT, 31 East Mt. Airy Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.


Teinopalpus imperialis, 9 ..ccccccecsvess $2.75 Papilio Cuda savin dcsr'enevedvernloeiee $ .50 AMAthUSIA CAMAAdEVA 16. vescssccececcecs 1.25 “8 _—— MAYO. cccvcevesecevevssssduscesene ae EES oe oss i oenbineeen sad bedeces oO: | Morpho CYPTIS..cvcocicccsosccoveves senses r.50 albofasciata, S 756.5 Qiveseseess 1.00 Caligo eurylochus overs: cascestspeev nan T.25 UR MEED dev a's snkGerdevacvawiadsdesn ae 35 QETEUS..s.. sna tives Cote tena tnn 1.25 ¥ WRHGLENMUS, Cia vciuvagicacusessese 70 Attacus atlas (Celebes Islands)....,..... 2.00 S OT). dhdtebscatbetensadtene 2.50 Actias leto ne 4 00 og ANATOCIES..dcecvecsccsesecesevevres 2.50 Urania, letlus....ccisssseseeveseenaennee 40

All specimens are in papers, and in perfect condition. Postage paid on orders of one dollar and over. Send six cents for postage on order for less than one dollar.



Will collect in most orders or families or season’s catch. Also in botany, especially cactii and herpetology—reptiles and amphibians if notified early in the season. Agent for sale of Coleoptera, Mr. L. H. Joutel, 164 E. 117th St., New York City.

DR. R. E. KUNZE, Phoenix, Arizona.




Complete to Summer of 1907 Price 5O cts. (net) per copy Mailed on receipt of price

E. T. CRESSON, Treasurer, P, O. Box 248, Philadelphia, Pa.

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m A > 3 : re ‘2. \. a iv , a AA, i 4 oe i ; rye ie ae Bear cP aA

1 7:

tom ological News

“> = Proctenics



_ Academy of Natural Sciences


a ~—of Philadelphia



Apvisory Com™irres : weNey t. Vieeecke L.A. G. BEN, WILLIAM J. Fox . W. WHNZEL.





77:1" ') -s =?


geographical distribution are tadened undioe Ghivtiaiagill Goal concerned, and sof under the species listed therein, except in the case forms, ‘New generic and specific names are marked with a ®.)

ren. SUBJECTS. ® Entomological Society of of Natural Sciences America ........... 78, 90, 493 a. Entom. Section of 440 | Environment on colors, Ef- ; rt Mv edie 108 fects of Oeeteeeeees 87 147, 340 ee ib dtecedecblinessecrees 183 errr eee eee ewe eee Examining insects under com- Entomological So- pound miscroscope ....... 130 lan iments of ccomeenic | External wing buds in larvae 26, *| of holometabolous insects .. 135 ry Feldman Collecting Social, 46, 185, att 186, 188, 240, 342, 343, 380, 494, “** 149 46. [ aot ae Fighting moths with lights ... 387 4, 407 Floor-boards, Insect injury to 494 So- Graduate School of Agricul- Ss sdscssuccccccedewe 340 Happy Family of Bugologists Nn cetiedes Cpeem) .......0.ccccceees 204 jes at ball em Harrisburg Natural History dex system ......... . 188 | - Association ....... 236, 344, 345 RE | Heink Entomological Club, 55, 89 in structure ... 44! 237, 238, 346, 497, 408. of insects, causes of 18, | Household insect pests, Use of naphthaline against .... 496 ory of Jesuit Natural- Human fleas ........ 353, 380, 435 , Seeeecevescoesesee aot Hybrids rrr rere tee eee eee ies and human 384, 389 | Illustrations of insects, How @ DUPRGING ® occ ceccoscsases 140 and wingedness coos 128 Inflation of larvae eoesosesee 9 Insectivorous bats, Economic He eee een ewene +e , 339 walue Of ......seeeeeestoes 184 Insects as food for man 29, 31, 32 Journal of Economic Ento- MOLY ....cccccsccccesess 79 EES SORES Pee 4, 383 | Kellogg’s “Insect Stories” ... 385

_ Killing flies, Mixture for .... 380 ' Local lists of insects


Mexico, Insect-formed ooliths

Hh sis one.cewias'e's Co ea 291 Mimicry, 46, 224, 228, 230, 344 Mollusks, Blow-flies in dead. 234

Mouse-flea, A new .......... 435 Myasis in: manicceecea4. 42% 32 Nason collection ............ 75

Newark Entomological So- ciety, 86, 87, 88, 188, 189, 390, 392. ;

Numerical distribution of in-

pens 8 Gas cl Hg OS a 324, 303 Obituary : Ashmead, W. H. ...... 307 a) SRR oR 304 MeEAD., Ay cs saeoes 234 meee, AL Pun 306 SDE, 5 bis apne pone 445 Johnson, W. G ...... 242 Roaow,: FW... sete. 348 PONG AS iii ORs ile 306 Mame 3. Bie yest 242 Seijaye. 1. Mis... 306 SOW. OTL me closes» 447 ES Beles se a ol 142 Ohio Lake Laboratory ...... 292 _ Ooliths due to insects ....... 291 | Pacific Coast Entomological Society aegis hia d bees 499, 500 Paraffin sections attacked b pects We eek... ss schotk eee

Parasites as cause of death of

ipeCtS, Lavan yaa ss coos 189, 439 Personals: Adams, C.F. ) copes 493 Baker, C. Fc nae 386, 493 Barrett, (0. -Wi-ciaeee 79 Bradley, J. Cy ..caueee 491 Busck, A... ssa) cGuauee 322 Calvert,. P. ‘Po gesez 183, 437 Cresson, EB. Tiassa 289 Cresson, E. T., Jt. sane Paecke, FE... cave 322

Fenyes, A. .......e0000 493

Ferdinand, King ...... 407 Fernald; aaah wade teas 386 Froggatt, Wiusvives «08 234 Fullaway, ‘Dis 2 407 Grinnell, F. Jt.) ee 491 | Hammar, A. G. ......3 493 Hasemari, Io cse.550 ee 493 Hebard; M207. eae 182 Herrick, Gi Wioi,-.208 493 Minds: W.e 4. won 4I Holland, W.'J..\.. e.2u5 386 Howard, C. Ws. vees 493 Tavis, Ch sae Rue 493 Kellogy, Vio Ls artseaae 183 FOiCaad, 0. ass,e wore ae 130 Lauréat, Py oi. ole ae 340 McCook, H. C. ...141, 382 Mitchell, E. G. ........ 202 Montgomery, T. H., Jr 234 Nelson, J. A... cee 493 Patch, FE Ma: .c.cee 234 Poulton, E.-Be 2 493 Jaayie T1. J. i see 289 Reon, 3.) Aa Gs oan eee 182 Rivera, Mi J. ..scksn 234 wee, Acs SS Sauce 493 Slingerland, M. V. ... 234 San, J. Boa 141, 492 Van Duzee, E. P. ..... 234 Van Duzee, M.C ..... 234

Viereck, H. L. ..41, 404, 403 Wenzel, H. W. ....... 183 Wheeler, W. M. ...311, 386

Pitcher plant insects ........ 150

Plants attacked by insects: FS a ee 104, 131, 485 Alder= ....... 0008 penne 484 Alnus’... ..... eee See 484 Ampelopsis .......004 143 Apple (i. 505 GN bes IOI, 142 Astragalus ........ 481, 483 Beait...0, . cdstank ve ee 230 Blackherey 745 s\sssdeue 212 Bladdernut ........... 488 THMICUEL sc nsobnas > eeas 168

sesee 314 See eee eee 197 rush ee eneeee 295 } seensereegeoeccs

eee eeeteeeeee 42 escccesscccds 10E

beeeeeee SOE,

t ‘. Steeseocesceosecs 210 Seccccasccce ST weeesceessl 42, 314 tor seen nnewe 168

Poe e eee Terrors 438 eocccceceees BD see eeeennnee 38 pices 3M, 119, 24! locust coccccess B39 cvésccsvess 208 . ae OOS evccccescccos SEE b~< ie oak cccccscceeslh® FF

Es i. +e. Prenucceces cehily GS : Te | evevecccoscerecs 10%

«+014, 131, 241, 485

ie rie ary

eeeeeere 150

i uJ c eee meee meee ' :- Populus eeeeeee 1, &, 103 a : : eee eee reer eens 230

: ee 142) 13, 77, 105, 106,


af 102

Aer ee wee eee Bs

ere tee eee eee 150

al Maelelee Peete er ew eene es

trees, African.. 28, _ 228, 229.

INDEX. iii

188, 240

Blood-sucking flawus*, Phihiracorus ....... 450

Tumidalous® ......+00+0 on«.062

Alabama, C. of .......s.05:; 16

Angola, C. of, 26, 28, 31, 224, -2,30.

antacus, Strategus .. .286, 390, 461


Aleocharinae of U. S. and

Canada .. «3c eee 56 Aquatic C., How to collect and mount) .4)%:.ciekbeen eee 392, 393

Arizona, C. of, 161, 163, 188, 241, 320.

Arrow-poison from C, ...... 229

California, C. of, 66, 160, 499, 500


eae Ease « < 70 Cicindela, Distribution of by SSE RR aie acs eos oss 360 Cicindela, Parasite of ....... gI Coccinellid eggs, Aphid feed- MN RD Sk Wirt ib ws 132 Game Fister Soe res. es 318 Dime hidia. eciees ek... 229 ferrist®; Agrilus ..cecc..ccces 368 ferrugineus, Bradycinetus .... 459 Held; TRICE. nthe... oss 160 Paarida,/C: 6f) gatuss .... 187, 428 fuscula*, Polyphylla ......... 161 Geotr umes is <iekiive ass eee eaRs Horn-Roeschke School ...... 38 Injurious C., 26, 28, 224, 226-8, 230 lazarus, Bolboceras .......... 460 lenta*, Lachnosterna ........ 162 Listrochelts. vcs cewdeiinss. 164, 319 lobata*, Lachnosterna ....... 163 Long Island. Gy of. ins... 84, 348 Massachusetts, C. of .....114, 217 Megilla feeding on aphids ... 132 Megilla, Parasites of ........ 202 NecroprorGsd’::. «ss sav gesaden ae 120

New Jersey, C. of, 187, 241, 318, 319, 343, 390, 392, 494, 495.

New York, C.. of ..... 84, 348, 309 niger, SANGQlus .....seses08 288 North Carolina, C. of 286, 360, 459 obliquefasciata*, Pyrota ..... 320 ochrea, Macrobasis .......... 240 Obio, C.. of, scone 368, 386, 380 orbicollis, Necrophorus....... 120 Pachybrachys ©... ..vceitaeee 216

Pennsylvania, C. of 325, 343, 390 495, 496.

silicea, Diplognatha .......... 26 splendens, Strategus ........ 461 perategus: 666. OU; 286, 390, 461 Stridulation in Necrophorus . 120 tarsalis*, Listrochelus ....... 319 Tennessee, C, of ....... 0000s 217 texana*, Chariessa..... 0.44% 72 wexas, Cy: of: <6. con cae 202, 217 DIPTERA. acutus, Ceratophyllus ....... 462 aenia, Chaetopsis ........... 298 anale, Spogostylum .......... gI

Angola, D. of, 26, 28, 30-32, 224 227-8.

arcuatus*, Rhypholophus .... 201 Argyrophylas ica a eee 236 Arizona,. D: of |. iso ate 178 BURG’: Siac reyes 76

Blood-sucking D, of Angola, 225 227, 228.

brevicornis*, Pachyrhina ..... 178

California, D. of, 7-9, 176, 178, 202, 380, 437, 452.

californica*, Pachyrhina ..... 176 Canada, DD. ef Fi icc 9 COMPRONE 6 i iddaacas Peeee Oe 234 COHOMEIG 86.65.55. CORUNA 2098 chrysocoma, Goniops ........ 464 Colorado, - D.0f 8 9, 272 cornutus*, Rhypholophus .... 202 COPY REGUGT 6 eis UA 452 hi): Ye 4, 22, 30, 46, 81, 473

Culicidae, classification of 28, 30

Dicranomyia*® ..........6% 5, 406 dissidens, Oscinis .........0- 274 divexus*, Rhypholophus ..... 201 domestica*, Psychoda ...282, 285

Eggs of Culex, Number of .. 4 flavescens*, Oscinis ......... Flea feeds, How a .......... 462 Fleas in transmission of bu- bonic plague, Role of ..353, 380 ME AMMINOL Viehive-s as veces 31 floridica, Psychoda


' me ecid we, seeceees 350 f A. *, Oscinis eeesescese 273 , " | aseseccapecosses, 26, $2 a, D. of Dutch......... 95 Touse-flies as disease-car- ers Biden nasa ot 39, 472 , Possibility of ex- L aie 8 wnus*, Rhypholophus .. 201 , D. of eee ene eeene 6 Ay ott: DD. 68 22:00 % 49 | es ri, D. of pee ae SEAGER os cecsesiccces ves = in so Life” Mitchell's...” : er pet ahh | Stee 9 y, D. of 22, 46, 390, 441,

‘Yor 4D. of «....--.20%, 202 ¢ , Osclels eer ee eee 272 iocturnala, Psychoda ....277, 279 | Carolina, D. of ....... 108 , Melieria ...... B identalis*, Pachyrhina .... 177 ‘| Corypsylla eteeeeee 452 a72 76


on of Bibio albipen- » Rhypholophas . 202 - D. aes ass, 258 Sarcopsylla ...... 224 a D of, % 187, 241, det rs nom 344, 345, 390, 464, 495 496. “PhecKaed SOT dis oyctesca Ae game aad ne Bom-




Sarcophaga pollinating Sarra- SUE. cakdaecha Ganihhete 155 Serpentina, Anastrepa ...... 8 simplex, Heptaphiebomyia ... 28 Smell in mosquitos, Sense of 81 snowii*, Pachyrhina ......... 176

Stomoxys as a plague trans-

En oh odo0cecnniinen Tabanidae of Angola ....... Tabanidae of North Carolina 168 Texas, D. of 235, 273, 274

Tipula larvae, Outbreak of ... 437 Tipulidae, Variations in ..... 405 trifasciata, Ortalig .......... 208 IES 27, 42 tuberosa*, Xanthacrona ..... 97

Wyoming, D of ............ 177 TS rin cons cicdebcos acc 95 HEMIPTERA. oncylus, Aspidiotus ......... 309

STS a coaccs ovcacneenes 132 EE sccghbue st conpeces I Aphididac, Parasites of ..... 365 Arizona, H. of .........-++- 234 DE, <cobsenetnecccses 309 bicoloripes, Phonergates ..... 27 Chaitophorus .... 2.00000: 13

|, ¢ireularis, Aspidiotus .......+ 309 citri, Pseudococeus .....+.+++ 383 Colorado, H. of ..........-. 1 Corira?, Ooliths formed from

Ogus Of .. 00... ceeececeenss 292 Florida, H. of .........+: +. 424 folsomii*, Aphis .....+++++++ 143 gossypii*, Contarinia ........ 210 Tiiinote, H. of ...cscccecceuse 143 Life-cycle of Pemphigus ..... 484 Maine H. OF .ccasctndcacsee 484 Minnesota, H. of .........-- 131 New Jersey, H. of .......... 443


PUP MEME oon Sue etek bs 5.0% 484 Pennsylvania, H. of ......... 336 PUNE Tl. cick tc stele cue 471 populi*, Schizoneura ........ I rufomaculata*, Aphis ....... 261 NEI is Weo'ae's beeches 424 tessellata, Pemphigus ....... 484

testudinatus, Chaitophorus ... Van Duzee’s “North Ameri-

can Membracidae” ........ 291 West Indies, H. of........ 210, 211 Winged Aphids, Production

MEE Sno caischc (sso d Sai 122,

HYMENOPTERA, alpestris*, Tachysphex foxti 223 NIE swe ois anc eee eects 42 Angolan H. 33, 226, 227, 228, 230 Ant with Aphids ............ 144 Ants and Saldoida .......... 427 Ants associated with pupae 497 americanus, Perilitus ........ 202 VIDRAEE Oe pciv sees xe Soo cen es 365 I GN re Ds. 5 his. dono a n0'0, 9:4 9:5lare 227 PPE bob es. b a.6 2 w0o bas 226 DCRR ns 2 9's sin ois SS be owt 373 besseyae*, Crabro ........... 419 BOMUEE Cis G5u<seiiesoseere 86 Bombus caught by Asilid .... 440 brachycarpae*, Crabro ...... 252 capitalis, Scolioneura ........ 212 Carpenter mudwasp ........ 231 cockerelh*, Crabro ......0s0- 255

Colorado, H. of, 78, 220, 245, 367, 373, 418, 419.

C7BOORG Si sctc Males 245, 258, 418, 419 crassus, Tachytes ...e.eseeee 224 Crematogaster. ©. 3.0% se slemis's.us 144 Delaware, EH: Of.) 2.050 sues 212 deltaensis*, Microbembex MONOGONEG§ 0) ss:k xois ola wees 375 depressicauda*, Nomada .... 323 doanei*, Megachile .........- 466 BAOV SIMS 2s ovis a dias es 226 drymocallidus*, Crabro .,.... 255

eriogoni*, Crabro .......++-- 256 ferrugineipes*, Crabro ...... 250 fossor*, Oxybelus ......++00: 179 foxsut*, Tachysphex v.45 222 gilletter*, Crabro <....008baee 418

Headlee and Dean’s “Mound- Building Prairie Ant”, 385, 435

Helorimorpha .........cc00e8 363 heraclei*, Crabro’ .......s00 253 hitei*, Tachysphex .......++. 221 Indiana; “H; of *.3..3.Nse0uee 299

larimerensis*, Belomicrus ... 417 Light, Vespa crabro, attracted

EO cing o's vows ob 5:0 5100 a 86 lineolata, Crematogaster ..... 144 Massachusetts, H. of ........ 363 megacephalus*, Crabro ...... 249 melanderi*, Helorimorpha ... 363 meliloti*, Bembidula ........ 376 . Mellinus ...0. 0. vcadac ene 299 Mexico, H. of 333.0. ee 387 militaris, Polyrachis ......... 33 modestum*, Rhopalum ...... 257 Nebraska, H: of 35-55 mene 420 neomexicana*, Microbembex

MONOGONEG ses cece eae 375 New Jersey, H. of........... 86

New Mexico, H. of, 179, 245, 375, 377; 379.

nigrescens*, Tachysphex ..... 220 nigritarum, Apis .........00% 227 nigritus*, Aphelinus ......... 367 nokomis*, Crabro .......+0+- 251 Nomada oo 5% 0... 6.00 eee 323 occidentalis*, Microbembex MOnodonta . i... css eeeeeee 375 operus*, Crabro ....sctencnes 247 opwana*, Crabro ....+.s.c00. 248 Osybelas ces serkens sc cena 179

Parasitic H., 199, 202, 216, 365, 391, 439.

Pennsylvania, H. of ..... 323, 333 POD «os scan ob bin sa mean 230 PORNO sy pags ck oa ale od 107, 387

“names in ‘ie: TaSenpececvescscqsses 42 2 |, Bembex eee eee 38 , Tapinome Racabedes GG , Monobia scccese 23!



ee <Ee

etal 2228 ;

cund a tenae, eee eeping habit of a bee ..... 340 Tack ath ee oh ..csiso' d : PPP Pee eee 2 ti, Bees of eee er eeeeeeeee 6 = eeeeee ee ee eee were is + ant errerereee BB | i. of eneeeeeces SQ, ys , = enh Oxybelus eeeeeee 180 Virg Wy 08 seca cone gay as inter Male Polistes sur- i ive “Seseeenscapeseseeseuss 107

- : he Mellimus eee eneee yy


of L, 8 191, 2% tails of Laertias

eeeeeeee reer eee eee 8s , Lithecolletia ... 105 fp, Papitie See eee eee Igt i A eve BL. Of ......++-.- 008, Img Altitude and distribution of L. 547 oh: mic , Nateda eee eee ee eenee yy

# ngol 3A of Poceesaeooeese » :-% oe |, Lithocolletis seeceee 107 Ar gymmis 6.5.00. oes ee AB, 124 _ Arizona, L. of ...69, 77, wm ats _ itera, Pap dcockodiekte oe

behrii, Lycacna

California, L. of, 13, 14, 43, 105, 149, 314, 317, 340, 476, 483.

cara, Catocala

carolina*, Callosamia anguli-

cotshiliets*, Eupithecia 192


Codling moth Color af cocoons, duc to en- vironment

Erebus, 83, 190, 260, 342, 444, 495 erpata*®, Eupithecs 193 EBupithecia ..... raf, 192, 196, 312 “Genera of Tortri-


fscellaria, Therina

eee eeeee

gratulsta, Mesoleuca hirsute*, Papilio philenor ....



Hybrids of Smerinthus ...... 88 Tiwnois,: 1. of... seew eeoawk 3, 346 indiana*, Heliolonche ....... 423 Indiana, Ti: ofsiisen cae ea 421-423 ines, J hecla od5 anteaeve ies 69 Inflation of larvae .......... 9 invictella*, Recurvaria ....... 316 LOWay Aa Oeics sive seeks 360, 493 FAVE) Kat Ci dane ae Fa ves dis 293

kearfottella*, Lithocolletis ... 100

ESI CON EE ic .. vw aos sivp's os i 99 luteata, Eupithecia .......... 196 EE MONGNR a ue TaN ole wie abie ese 476

Maine, L. of ....152, 260, 321, 386 malimalifoliella*, Lithocolletis IoI.

manitoba*, Catocala ......... 54 DEMS LOL 6 Alb alse case 55 Piaewiand. 1. of) .isis.s. 199, 402 Massachusetts, L. of ....194, 260 meritata*, Eupithecia ........ 195 mexicana, Terias ..... 43, 135, 437 i ht ba: Sey aR m Ee 497 Migrating butterflies ....218, 388, 437. miserulata, Eupithecia ....... 312 Missouri, L. of 89, 115, 237, 238, 437, 498. monusté, Pieris. ..ccvcrccrses 388 morenella*, Gelechia ........ 317 multiscripta, Cerura .......+- 86 myrina, Brenthis ...cecssices 239

New Jersey, L. of 42, 84, 86, 100, IOI, 102, 104, 186, 188, 239, 280, 344, 390, 391, 392, 409-417, 443, 404.

New York, L. of 129, 130, 142, 193, 194, 195, 238, 239, 347, 412, 415, 417. ,

Nonagria .. :.sicateusacunna 295 normani, Crocigrapha ....... 321 nymphulalis*, Blepharomastix 263 oblonga, Nonagria ........... 295 obsoleta, Limenitis .......... 69

occidentalis*, Blepharomastix. 263


ochralis*, Symphysa ......... 263 odora, Erebus ........ 83, 190, 342 odoratus, Erebus ....260, 444, 495 Ohio, 1... of 59:00 weee ae 106, 263 oslarellus*, Crambus ........ 264 palpata, Eupithecia .......... 196 pamina, Hyperchiria ......... 87

Pamphila, Early stages of.... 408 Papilio ....191, 219, 237, 391, 393 parallela, Archips............ 152 Pennsylvania, L. of 142, 164, 186, 194, 195, 230, 205, 316, 328, 333, 343, 409-417, 444, 495, 496, 407 bheres, Lycaena 483 philodice, Colias plagalis*,, Pyrausta insequalis 263. platanoidiella*, Lithocolletis .. 106 plexippus, Anosia ....... 218, 437 polyphemus, Telea ....13, 141, 393 Pupae associated with ants.. 497 pyralidiformis, Sesia 166 PUDIG, SAMA 0.6.00 v0 seacee dele saccharella*, Lithocolletis .... salicivorella*, Lithocolletis .. Saturniidae, Causes of death OE Sines oss Wae ea eee 189, 439

104 101

schuylkillensis*, Plagodis .... 315 IOIME G8 ees pe cvie eee aa 3, 164 sexta, Phlegethontius ........ 235 skinnert*, Anisota .......... 77 South Carolina, L. of....150, 231 Strecker collection .......... 404 WRG, 1s hes cee «ss 190, 197, 235 flan, Sesia’. os... aes eee 3 tityrus, Eudamus .........+4. I9I tremuloidiella*, Lithocolletis. 102 trinotella*, Lithocolletis ...... 99 trotlus, Papilio: oi 0 cc.scuenee 219 unijuga, Catocala ........... II5

Variation in L., 89, 189, 191, 237, 239, 391, 393.

Witginia, 1, Of,..9.i4u eae 107, 199 Wisconsin, Li. 0f) 5:0. . ances 83 werces, Lycaena ......... 476, 478

hn i ccineresdc coud pI in Key to wings of.. 456 , ME Jo ecevdcocet Qh Odonata of ......45, 23S N. of eee eee eeene 204 eee ewe ener eeeeere 33 u .( Bee 203 ed me N. of eee eeee 455 Revision of...... 428

diana, Odonata of, joa, 305, 306 apensis®, Acshna ......264, 307 ass: ts, Odonata of.. joo tico, Odonata of ......307, 449 . N. Of... ..--eeceee 497 , Aeshna ......264, yor




+s RRR mene een iM

Jersey, N. of, 440, 441, 443

forth Carolina, N. of, so, 133, Me 443.

eee ew eee eee eee ee 203 of North Carolina 50 N. of, 335, 337, 444 seer eee eee eeee 43!

CUT pw : ee eee ee eee ee 5s _ Virginia, Odonata of........ Bs - tion SHH RR _ 42 ram , Platycordulia .. 432


ee eee eee ee ee eee 4H

eee eee eee eee eens “4

eee ewer een ee Se Cee eee eee ee eee eee


eee eee eee een eeee

ey rn 41 5 Sey 45, 463 Cockerell, T. D. A. 126, 179, 211,

" 139 Coolidge, K. R., 13, 6, 73, 135, 204, 314, 342.

eee eee eeeeee


Cresson, Fat Tis Ate kines ve 95 Davis, 35 J... <seeeeenree 143, 383 Davis, iW ieireeicis desnteninks 42 Doane, R. W., 5, 173, 200, 405, 438 Dod, &. Fi Wis Rapes cs 108, 124 Dow; Bi. 2, asawoees. 239, 348, 440 Bhitys (lt secoeins tac: 368, 386, 380 BORO, Sri cites stich a % 0 i's obve 114 By, A ee whiteness 0 ave sce' 47, 79 LO eS Rg 9 A a 164 Englehardt, G. P. ....85, 142, 185 MRE ER in werd ks nis 480% 243, 449 Se Via ii bark % b'.9 6600s 159 PF oc usisc c's vive ane 210 SNM Liars 20's aso dnayae eens 56 wera, ©, Tl... dasa ce ovanns 260 ES G-. ss sv eke ee wee 434, 452 Freedley, W. G., Jr. ....280, 203 Berean CPi S oi hat ste Selves I Girault, A, A., 4, 76, 132, 197, 202, 236, 383. Aopen, AS. Ms ic oa Sistine baad 241

Grossbeck, J. A., 87, 88, 80, 180,

190, 315, 392, 393, 473. Haimbach, F., 46, 186, 187, 188,

263, 343, 344, 390, 443, 496.

PYROS Las ce tases sans bia 306 LO. | Sct IS PRR Aare er 435 PICVORE CD vss subs beak aces 156 Holmes. FM. foes 493 Hooker, Co OW. veces 349 FIORB INS Sod ce va menatns oeae 235 Houghton, C. O. ....120, 212, 3990 Flowatg: 1... .axteecssae 365 Hungate, J: Wits essed 234 Jones. SE ok es 150, 231

, Knetzger, A., 55, 80, 237, 238, 337, “™ | 13347, 437, 498.

ee, Re ere. dees 69

» Kwiat? A. ee Kee Oe el sieckis Wis ie ecb 420 Sewrent, OF. seiesh Cee 408

Manct; A) H..d2y5 Petts 286, 459

Mrarintt, CL utenvtrcs pees 309

Bet Atee, WoL sods sk eee 488

meeting. Cs. oak coats 449

Beeenaer A. Lou cow ook II

Merrick, F. A: ... 30d 9 Mitzmain, M. B. ....353, 380, 462 Morris, E. L. ....95ee 149 Newcomer, E. J. ........ 204, 314 Patch, E. M. ..... 2 321, 484 Paxson, O. S. ...:..5 an 324 Pearsall, R. F....... 128, 192, 312 Pergande, T. ........ sme 204 Plitt, E. A. ...... 402 Porter, A. F. ...:..0nneeee 369 Rehn, J. A. G. ..\. .. 0 37, 395 Riley, W. A,....J:0eeeeee 136

Rohwer, S. A., 43, 78, 179, 220, 245, 373, 417.

Rowley, R._R. ..... ae 115 Russell, H. M. .... 2 349 Russell, J... 206.0005 I4I Saverner, P. A. ....3. een 218 Schaeffer, C. .....3... eee 318 Sherman, F., Jr... Ae 50, 168

Skinner, H., 34, 44, 78, 140, 149, 181, 290, 338, 384, 385, 307, 436, 440-444, 445, 492, 497.

Slosson, A. T. °.: sce 424 Smith, H. S;\.305..c eee 209 Smith, J.B. ice 14, 22 Smyth, E. A..Jr......aaeeee IQI Snyder, A. Ji, :... 53.2 :seee 3 Snyder, H. A, ..3./e 147 Swett, L. W. .....\.c0eeeee 196 Tandy, MM... . ...s\ceea eee 231 Tucker, E. S.. .../3.3\¢eneeee 272 Wiereck, TH. 1... .....c0e eee 38, 42 Walton, W. R., 237, 205, 345, 464, 467. Was, Be vc... os 83 Webb, J. G....... cents 82 Wellman, F.C. .sa3eee 26, 224 Williams, F. X. .i..3aeae 14, 476 Williamson, E. B, ..264, 301, 428 Wilson, H. F.::..0o see 261 Wolcott, A: B. \...¢hnieeeeeeees 70 Wood, W.. Cy. ...a aes 386 Woodworth, C. W. .......... 122 Wright, J.D. Bo doceeee 66

Wright, "We Sy vc. 'scees ee 44

rd cs sa he g



XIX. = JANUARY, 1908. No. 1.


have Pe as, Save schizoneuran infesting the in the bark of trunks and limbs of the native narrow- ; pod, the broad-leaved poplar, the Carolina pop- nd the balm of Gilead, for several years upon the Western in Colorado. I have noted the louse as specially at Grand Junction, Delta, Paonia and Montrose. ste cottony secretion often fills nearly all of the ee bem ond © remains tfonghout the year, hiding i their eggs. ° Jn June 14th, of last year, Mr. E. P. Taylor told me of Es lead Bet aad yo days iter I collected _& good number lodged upon Mr. Taylor's porch screen, there cing badly infested balm of Gilead trees in front of At this time eggs and young were very numerous the appearance of winged lice for about they disappeared for the remainder of the - samm as winged lice appeared they left the trees, be T have not been able to get any cluc as to where they go.




I attempted to get them to locate upon cottonwood twigs by inclosing them with twigs in a breeding cage, but without suc- cess.

While it seems probable that the winged migrants establish new colonies somewhere, perhaps upon some different food plant, it is also certain, as in the case of Chermes coloradensts, that some of the apterous females live over winter upon the trees, for bark which I removed January 29th, at Grand June- tion, was found to have living lice and some eggs. These eggs I was able to hatch in the laboratory, and the young established themselves upon cottonwood twigs that were furnished them and did well. When very numerous, the lice often cause rough, knot-like growths of trunk or branches, much as in the case of Schizoneura lanigera of the apple.

The Eggs—rThe eggs are very pale straw yellow, much lighter than any of the Chermes eggs I have seen, and are .023 mm. in length by .o14 mm. in width. The eggs are not attached but simply entangled by the cottony secretion.

Young.—The newly hatched young are like the eggs in gen- eral color, with legs, antennz and distal end of the long beak dusky, and the eyes bright red.

Adult Apterous Female—rThe adult apterous females are also very light yellow in color, the older individuals being the darker. Large females measure approximately .8 mm. long by .6 mm. broad. The size and arrangement of the wax glands or plates are best indicated in the drawing, Plate I, Figs. D and E. The only plates showing on the ventral surface are the mar- ginal ones, while dorsally all the longitudinal rows extend continuously to the eighth abdominal segment. At least they can be so traced in some individuals. The beak is peculiar, in that it may be extended so as to attain, or even surpass, the tip of the abdomen, when it appears to be four-jointed. The rather long basal piece seems to serve as a tube into which the next joint, the real first joint, composed of seven or eight serial pieces, as shown in the figure, may be telescoped. The two distal joints are both quite short. From specimens taken June 16th, and December 12th, 1906, at Grand Junction.

Winged Female——Length of fore-wing, 3.50 to 3.75 mm.;

seeeeais 3 = bE*aes TBH i a Hie bafta 1 fist sHalgll Gate ple tsiziatia J = i STE i fgick - ax iosic Tate 7 Th aE TT HTS ee i AE i: i]


Standards of the Hbinber of Eggs Laid by Insects—VI1.*

Being averages obtained by actual count of the combined eggs from twenty (20) depositions or masses,



No. | Date, 1907 Neen acer Ba wigns Max. Min. | Range 1 | July 12 244 244 244. 391 2 298 542 oy}

3 157 699 233. 157 4 278 977 288.5 5 | July 20 391 1368 273.6 391 6 371 1739 289.8 #f 265 2004 286.2 8 261 2265 wf uly 2 283 2548 283.1

4 r 240 2788 278.8 II 231 3019 274.4

12 256 3275 272.9

13 269 3544 272.6

14 | July 30 258 3802 271.5

15 229 4031 268.7

16 242 4273 267.

17 279 4552 265.8

18 | July 31 258 4810 267.2

19 245 5955 266.

20 287 5342 267.1 159

20 5342 267.1 | 391 157 | 234 | Finals

The egg-masses were obtained at New Richmond, Ohio, during July, 1907, by exposing a large tub of water out of doors. Within a week afterwards, the water in the tub was literally alive with the young of vestwans, and numerous egg- masses were found each morning floating on its surface. ‘The great majority of the adults reared were captured and care- fully examined, but during the month no other species made its appearance.

I am indebted to Mr. Frederick Knab, U. S. National Museum, for determination of the species.

* For the first five of these series, see Ent. News, 1901, p. 305; 1904, p. 2-3; 1905, p- 167; 1906, p. 6 and 1907, p. 89.


_ R. W. Doane, Stanford University.


tose or ir nat apt oa coal shat te beyond the origin of the practurca See

tt aie midie-¢ « «dé 31. Te tee a es i ain aa ies 4 | £4 13. cell « ae earn eee 5. (wlth a single brows stripe ia the middie . . immetesia 0. 5. three brown aivipes 2... we eee 6. 3@ auxiliary vein neatly opposite or only a litle before the oo ar @adister ©. S. vein a considerable distance before the origin of a cinerea Doane. antennae not infuecated .... .. patica O. S. antennae more of bess infusc ate! & Psi a-ele 9 © 9-0 o\e0 « 9 lid wipe 0d edexat 1. crom-vein close to the tip of the auxiliary vein.

Citriza Doane al croms-vein some distance from the tip of the auxiliary cross- a & 6 0-2 «6.8 se « + 30

; abdomen brownish yellow. isabellina Doane. a atid. «San Giversa ©. 5S. sh markings along some of the veins anc in some ofthe cella. marmorata 0. S. sities: & >iteniiie «ibn 12. ie ¢ de ¢¢«« 6,4 falva Doane. PE EISTMES 0 « «0 4 ¢ » viridicans n. sp.

ly greenish IE is aieeal splints) copes : tip of the auxiliary vein con- _ siderably anterior to the origin of the practurca ; the praeturca . ce ~ te about equal in length to the distance between the origin of _ the third vein and the small cross vein, or even shorter. . 14. Bl ol cd: tip of the auxiliary vein nearly opposite the origin -- of the praefurca (or, when anterior of posterior, the distance is “i EE ay new ten the distenes tetwesn 3 ha the origin of the third vein and the small cross vein .

a ra ome eae
















. Rostrum and proboscis nearly as long as the head . rostrifera O. S.

Rostrum and proboscis much shorter than thehead. . ..... 15. TMOrEe DIOWR ie oc. +, okie eae eee eee ee floridana O. S. Thotax ochraceous. . . 9... Ws ss 3 0 ve ie 16. . Thorax with a single broad brown stripe. ..... ochracea Doane. Thorax with three brownstripes. . .. . esr tf, LEC RIS. 9! 8% uo) eo, ne eke ks te te brevivena O. S. Stismafuscous. 9. 20.05 65 8 6 es oe le vulgata Bery.

. Thorax shining black, pleura with a silvery reflection.

morioides O. S.

Thorax brownish or grayish. .°.°.:.'. . «+ 0 = = = sous T9. Femora with a narrow pale band atthetip. .......... 20. Femora without sucha band .....:. . .°. 50) #o 9 21. Posterior margins of the segments of the abdomen lighter.

badia Walk.

Posterior margins of the segments of the abdomen not lighter. adjecta n. sp. The distance between the tip of the auxiliary vein and the subcostal cross-vein is nearly or quite as long as thestigma. ... . 22.

The distance between the tip of the auxiliary vein and the subcostal cross-vein is shorter than one-half the length of the stigma . 27.

Halteres unusually long... oye 2 eo 23. Halteres of -usual length . . ... <casi50. ) © sl se 24. Thorax brown, stripes confluent. ......... halterata O. S. Thorax yellowish, three brown stripes. ...... particeps n. sp. Thorax yéllowish . ... 2. 4. Soe ee che oe 25. ‘Thorax brownish . 0000's 4.04) ose ie oh en 26. First segment of palpi yellow. ..........-. helva Doane. Palpi: wholly brown ....".) <)> 5) <s#ai ei ee gracilis Doane. Thorax with a narrow median lighter line... . . brunnea Doane. Thorax with yellowish or brown stripes ....... distanas O. S.

The cross-vein separating the discal cell from the first basal cell is arcuated in such a manner that the inner end of the discal cell is but little more distant from the base of the wing than the

inner end of the submarginal cell ........ sulta 3. This cross-vein notso arcuated.. . . . 3 .:'. .'. . sn 28. Thorax gray with a brown stripe in the middle . . . . liberata O. S. Thorax brown or yellowish. ... 2... . 1.2. yor 29. Thorax brownish with a brown stripe in the middle . haeretica O. S. Thorax brownish . 2.0.0 22 be oe ke oe ee 30. SHINS CABTINOL se Sn naar ional we * kee eee stigmata Doane. SISTA ICIMEINET 63) p apa eee ok aie moniliformis Doane. Wings immaculate . 2.00. oe ee 32. Wings spotted with brown . :°. 2:00. 5 O°) Se 34 No vestige of a stigma ....... ap Bey globothorax O. S

Stigma distinct «9.0.5 ei) Se! ee las 1a) ois vo inca 33.

on ; NEWS. 7

Stigma brownish; wings with a slight pubesence in the apical portion. ~* pubipennis O. S. gma pale; wings without pubesence ... . . . , Cervina n. sp. ngs brownish, three or four brown spots along the anterior mar- EEE ES rara O. S. bgs with brown dotsinalithecells............. 35-

kings on the wings intense ; lobes of the hypopygium rather

Se simulans Walk. irkings on the wings less intense ; lobes of the hypopygium not in- "tm i aoe &€ © 8 © 82 «© © © ee « éuplicata Doane.

viridicans 1. sp.—Greenish ; head somewhat darker es and antennae light brown ; first two segments of the latter ) paler; thorax and abdomen wholly brownish green ; the large iain lobes of the bypopygium bnght-

: —— SA er green, their inner margins

a furnished with a strongly chitin- he SS pendage ; halters whitish ; legs h, femora somewhat lighter towards the base ; wings whitish hya- is pale ; subcostal cross-vein near the tip of the auxiliary vein, th is opposite the origin of the praciurca ; veins greenish ; discal cell sed, t times as long as wide ; great crowm-vein some distance be- we the inner end of the discal cell. Length smm_, wing 9 mm. —Stanford University, Cal. One male.

non particegs 0. sp.—Brownish yellow; bead yellowish,

ywhish above ; rostrum yellow ; palpi brown, first segment yellow ; an- ennae brown ; thorax yellow with three brown stripes above ; scutellum and grayish ; halteres long, brownish, yellowish at the base ;


4 a a

H f

s | Hab.—-Keyport, Wash. Nine males, six females.


halteres. From this latter it may be distinguished by the posi- tion of the subcostal cross-vein and from the former by the body being more yellow, wings narrower and in having three brown stripes on the thorax. In halterata the pleura of the hypopygium are quite as large as the lobes that are appended to them, while in particeps they are much smaller than the lobes.

Dicranomyia adjecta n. sp.—Yellowish brown; head, rostrum, palpi and antennae darker brown; first three joints of the flagellum rather globu- lar, others more cylindrical, all distinctly pedicellate ; thorax yellowish

brown; dorsal stripes faintly or not

at all indicated; pleura yellowish,

with a broad, brown band from the

collare to the base of the halteres;

halteres long, infuscated; coxae

yellowish; legs tawny; extreme tip of the femora lighter; tarsi darker;

abdomen brown, lighter below; basal lobes of hypopygium dark brown,

lamella lighter brown; ovipositor ferruginous, blackish at the base; lower

valves straight, rather heavy; upper valves more slender, slightly arcu-

ated; wings hyaline; veins and stigma brown; auxiliary vein reaching a

little beyond the origin of the praefurca, subcostal cross-vein at its tip;

first longitudinal vein fading out a little beyond the marginal cross-vein

before reaching the margin of the wing: discal cell closed. Length 7 mm., wing 9 mm.

/Tab.—Stanford University, Cal. Two males, two females.

May at once be distinguished from halterata, which it re-

sembles somewhat, by the position of the subcostal cross-vein.

trum yellow; palpi and antennae brown; thorax brownish, the dorsum with three darker brown stripes, the median one extending over the col- lare; scutullem and metanotum

and the tips of the femora and a tibiz darker; halteres whitish, ons ae infuscated toward the tips, knobs

brown; tergum but little swollen, pleura about as large as lobes, basal half yellowish, distal half brownish; ventral style strongly recurved at the tip; wings with a very light brown tinge; stigma pale, indistinct; tip subcostal cross-vein from the tip of the auxiliary vein equal to one-half the length of the praefurca; discal cell closed. Length 7 mm., wing 8 mm.

Dicranomsia cervina, n. sp.—Brown; head brownish, darker above; ros- grayish brown; legs tawny, tarsi brown; abdomen brown, much lighter below; hypopygium yellowish of the auxiliary vein beyond the origin of the praefurca; distance of the HTab.—Stanford University, Cal. One male.